Aggressive alligators in Florida for mating season

It’s finally spring! Spring means flourishing flowers and new life, including baby alligators. It’s the beginning of mating season for alligators in Florida. More gators have been spotted recently, well, because they are on the prowl for that special someone.

Baby Gator (Insta-Gator)

According to the Tampa Bay Times, you only have a 1 in 3.2 million chance of being attacked by an alligator. Whew, what a relief! Although your chances are very low of enduring the worst, it is still recommended that you take proper precautions to protect yourself and your pets during this highly active alligator season.

“Since 1988, there have been 18 fatal attacks on humans involving an alligator in Florida and two since 2016, according to the FWC.” According to the Tampa Bay Times.

The two most recent was a lady walking her dog near a lake when a gator came out of no where and fatally attacked her. The other incident involved a two-year old boy at a Disney resort, he was reportedly dragged into the water by a gator and killed, grabbing national headlines.

The warmer weather makes the gators more active. You will see more gators basking in the sun to regulate their body temperature, which makes them hungrier because their metabolic speed increases.

There are a few precautions to take for you and your pets safety all year round:

  1. Never feed an alligator! (They will keep coming back)
  2. It is recommended to keep your pet at least 10 feet away from any waters edge.
  3. If you see one, do not get close. They can surprisingly move very quickly.
  4. If you see an alligator in a residential area that seems threatening, call your local animal control to have the gator captured and taken back to where it belongs.











Fiallo, Josh. “Mating Season Means More Aggressive Alligators Will Be Spotted across Florida.” Tampa Bay Times, 1 Apr. 2019,

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