Section 15(D) of the Service Consumer User Agreement

Except to the extent permitted by subsection (3)(C) or the rules required under subsection (5)(A), a lender shall not receive or use medical information (other than medical information processed in the manner required by section 1681c(a)(6) of this Title) in relation to a consumer in determining the consumer`s eligibility or maintaining eligibility. for credit. In representations to your customers or in public communications, you must not misrepresent PayPal or the Venmo Services or show a preference for other payment methods over the PayPal or Venmo Services. At all of your points of sale, you agree not to attempt to prevent or prevent your customers from using PayPal or the Venmo Services, or to encourage the customer to use any other payment method. If you allow your customers to pay you with PayPal or Venmo, you agree that payment brands PayPal or Venmo Services will be displayed at least as prominently and at least as positively when you view or issue the payment methods you accept (either at a point of sale or in your marketing materials, advertisements and other communications with customers), as you do for all other payment methods. By opening and using an account PayPal, you agree to comply with all the terms of this User Agreement. The Terms include an agreement to resolve disputes by arbitration on an individual basis. You also agree to comply with any of the other agreements on the Legal Agreements page that apply to you and the following additional policies: As a seller, you may accept payments from a buyer`s account through pre-authorized transfers once, regularly or sporadically. This type of transaction is sometimes referred to as a “billing agreement”, “subscription”, “recurring payment”, “referral transaction”, “pre-approved payment” or “automatic payment”. An administrator is a user who can create additional users, edit, and monitor other users. An administrator is not allowed to register with other professional services or grant access levels to other users that have not been granted to the administrator.

If you are a seller on a marketplace or through a third-party application that offers PayPal, a payment that is sent to you at the request of the relevant marketplace or a third party may be withheld. This will happen once you have given us permission to retain your funds and will be in accordance with your agreement with the third party. These locks will appear in your PayPal account. If you have any questions about why the relevant Marketplace or a third party has asked PayPal to set up these retention periods, you should contact the Marketplace or the third party directly. If you are a charity and have a PayPal account, you may be eligible to participate in PayPal Giving Fund programs. PayPal Giving Fund is a donor-advised fund (DAF) recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a tax-exempt public charity (Federal Tax ID: 45-0931286) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code. If you meet the eligibility criteria of the Nonprofit Certification Policy and are either a “public charity” under Section 509(a) of the Code or a “private operating foundation” under IRS regulations, you may automatically be enrolled in PayPal Giving Fund upon acceptance of this User Agreement. You will receive an email from us to confirm your registration. Your relationship with PayPal Donation Fund is governed by the Non-Profit Terms of Use, including receiving email communications from PayPal Donation Fund about its current and future partners through its programs. You can opt out of email communication at any time in your PayPal Donation Fund profile. If you are not logged in or would like to receive donations from PayPal Donation Fund, you can unsubscribe at any time by contacting us. For more information, see PayPal Donation Fund Policies.

I clicked on the Consumer User Agreement link and found that the AMEX Terms of Service were updated on 1/5/2016 (only 3 days ago). I scrolled down to section 15.d and the section is entitled Suspension of Use; Cancellation; Closure. I pointed out the important phrases and drew a box around “manufacturing activity,” which is essentially manufacturing expenses. They are on us. Christopher Elliott`s latest book is “How To Be The World`s Smartest Traveler” (National Geographic). You can get real-time answers to all consumer questions in its new forum, or by sending an email to If we close your account PayPal or terminate your use of the services PayPal for any reason, we will notify you of our actions and link all unrestricted funds held in your PayPal cash account balance to your personal PayPal account or business PayPal account balance, or money waiting to be claimed through your personal PayPal account, if you do not have a cash account to which you are linked, your personal account PayPal that is available for withdrawal. Once your automatic payment is cancelled, all future automatic payments under your agreement with that seller will be stopped. If you cancel an automatic payment, you may still owe money to the seller for the purchase or have additional obligations to the seller for goods or services you received but did not pay. “(e) Reports to Congressional Intelligence Committees. — In the case of a report to be submitted to the Congressional Intelligence Committees pursuant to paragraph (D) (as defined in Title 50, Section 401a), the date of transmission of such a report shall be that fixed in Article 415b of Title 50. » If you have not set a preferred payment method for an automatic payment agreement, or if your preferred payment method is not available for an automatic payment agreement (for example.

B because it has expired or does not have sufficient funds), the payment method used can be used in the following order: 1. Cash account (if linked to your personal PayPal account) or funds from your PayPal business account (where we provide the required credentials you provide to us); 2. Bank account; 3. PayPal co-branded debit card; 4. PayPal co-branded credit card; 5. debit card; 6. Credit card; and 7th E-Check. This is also the order of payment methods used when a previously selected payment method to be used in a seller`s contract is not available. You can also use a personal PayPal account to get money for the sale of goods and services and keep that money in a linked cash account or transfer it to a linked bank account or debit card if you don`t open a cash account, but plan to use your personal PayPal account primarily to sell things. You should open a business PayPal. You can also convert your personal PayPal account to a PayPal business account if circumstances change. Our failure to act in connection with any breach by you or others of any of your obligations under this User Agreement does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.

You agree that, except to the extent inconsistent or provided by federal law, and except as otherwise provided in this User Agreement, the laws of the State of Delaware, without regard to the conflict of laws principles of this User Agreement, and any claim or dispute arising or likely to arise between you and PayPal; regulate. PayPal`s Payments and Mass Pay services allow you to send multiple batch payments to send commissions, discounts, rewards, and general payments. You may be able to send payments to PayPal accounts, Venmo accounts, or both. To use these services, you will need: Executive Decree No. 12958, mentioned in subsection (b) (4) (D) (i), formerly set out in Article 435 (now Article 3161) of Title 50, War and National Defence, was issued by Ex. Ordinance No. 13526, § 6.2 (g), 29 December 2009, 75 F.R. 731. You must call AMEX Serve`s customer service number and speak to the anti-fraud department. They should help you get your money back. Arbitration is more informal than a trial in court.

Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator or arbitrator instead of a judge or jury, and judicial review of an arbitral award is very limited. However, the arbitrator(s) may, on an individual basis, award the same damages and remedies that a court may award to a person. The arbitrator(s) must also comply with the terms of this User Agreement as a court would. All matters shall be subject to the decision of the arbitrator(s), except that matters relating to the arbitrability, scope or enforceability of this Arbitration Agreement or the interpretation of the Section Prohibiting Class Actions and Non-Individualized Remedies are the responsibility of a court of competent jurisdiction. 2015 – Subparagraph (a)(4)(A). Bar. L. 114-94, § 80001(1), replaces “the determination of the appropriate amount of such payments or the enforcement of a child support order, issue, agreement or judgment” with “or the determination of the appropriate amount of such payments”.

Untersek. (g) (2). Bar. L. 108–159, § 412(f)(2), inserted “(with the exception of medical information processed in the manner prescribed in Article 1681c(a)(6) of this Title)” after “a creditor shall not seek or use medical information”. Account settings are access levels and transaction limits that you and/or an administrator can select for each user. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as modifying, affecting or replacing the applicability of any other provision of the Federal Medical Secrecy Act. .