Ultra Music Festival: Walk of shame, fire, main stage outage

Ultra Music Festival was looking forward to the debut of their new location on Virgina Key in Miami this year.

EDMTunes (Ultra Main Stage)

Not everything went as planned, as they had multiple incidents that left them apologizing to their attendee’s on twitter.

The first unexpected mishap occurred as artist Dzeko was getting ready to play the main stage at 2:55 pm, when a power outage of the stage was reported which lasted for approx. 20 minutes.

As the night went on, attendee’s reported that a tree had caught on fire not too far from the main stage. Sources say the fire was caused by a firework.

As the saying goes, “bad things come in threes.” The send off at 2 am didn’t quite go as expected. The shuttle service provided by the festival was not in operation, forcing the attendee’s to walk across the bridge to leave the festival. Some say that the issue was caused by a traffic accident, others say that there were not enough buses to shuttle the masses of festival goers.

Ultra tweeted the next day, “Last night, many of you experienced challenging transportation conditions leaving the festival. This is unacceptable and inconsistent with the high standards you have come to expect from us. For this, we are sorry.

Hopefully the second day of the festival goes smoother.

Written by: Alexis Atkinson





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