A general contractor means a business or other business that has a contract with other organizations or entities for the provision of services or work. A general contractor is generally responsible for providing all materials, workers, equipment and services necessary for the completion or commissioning of the project. In order to perform these tasks, it is customary for the general contractor to delegate part of the work to subcontractors (other persons or other companies specialized in the respective work). These subjects are called subcontractors. The figure of the general contractor, or rather the general contractor (GC), was introduced into the national order at the beginning of the two thousand years. The Government has been instructed to exercise discipline under Law No. 443, cd. of 21 December 2001. Objective law to rationalize and accelerate the time of realization of “strategic public works”: the profile and functioning of the general contractor in the public sector were described by the delegated decree of August 20, 2002, No.
190. Zur Kunst. Paragraphs 6 and 10 of that legislative decree were subsequently amended by art. Chapter II of Legislative Decree No. 9 of 2005. The entire discipline of the GC finally came together in the Public Procurement Code, first in the corpus of 2006, then in Legislative Decree No. 50 of 2016. A general contractor is responsible for the methods and methods used or used in the design and execution phase of the work in accordance with the signed contract. Contract documents usually contain budget agreements, general and specific conditions, and project specifications (different specification levels, documents, reports, calculations, schedules) prepared by engineering and architectural firms.
The term GC (or general contractor) refers to a natural or legal person identified by the end customer in order to optimize all construction processes, especially the most complex. The GC acts as the coordinator of all other professionals involved in the construction or renovation process, resulting in greater economic savings and wait times. The body responsible for the construction of the structure occasionally decides to play the role of general contractor. In such cases, they deal directly with the subcontractors and take care of the management and organization of the various subcontractors. In these circumstances, the owner has all the responsibilities for the order and relevance of the work and takes care of the reality of the construction. Until the introduction of the GC figure, for the execution of public works, it was possible to use only the institutes of the contract and the construction and management concession, tools that concerned only the phase of realization of the works, not the previous phases; In fact, the earlier legislation of the Treaty arose from the desire to clearly distinguish the conception from the realization of the work. When we talk about general contractors, we are talking about a character who, as the only reference, manages the entire process of carrying out the work, since he combines traditional skills closely related to the execution of the work, as well as various multidisciplinary skills, such as those of the commercial or economic-financial field. Glosbe`s services are for humans, not internet robots. You`ve probably generated a lot of requests or other factors that have come into play that cause Glosbe to identify you as a robot and block access to the data. In the private sphere, we don`t really have a dedicated discipline; The general contractor is often a building builder who can carry out the work entrusted to him by any means, that is to say he can also entrust it in whole or in part to third parties selected or coordinated by him, and in addition, he must provide his client with the ancillary services necessary for the complete realization of the work (design, land acquisition, third-party relations and compensation). It is therefore obvious what role such a topic can play in the processes triggered by the recent introduction of the super bonus. Beyond the intervention itself, it is the whole series of steps provided for by the legislation to develop complexity, also taking into account the participation of professionals who are not normally involved in the simple intervention on the building.
In this way, we do not refer only to topics that, such as the accountant or qualified technician, play a specific role in the development of the necessary documentation; We are also talking about all the sets of realities that have felt the business opportunities that arise from the various mechanisms, in particular the transfer of the tax credit, and that are organizing themselves to gain a place in the process. A general contractor is thus defined when he is the signatory of the work or the first contractor of the project contract; he performs work for government agencies, where he is called the “first contractor”. By Dr. Bianca Marranzini, Head of Regulatory Update At Pronext, a consulting firm of the Contec Group, which provides strategic and business advice for investment management, real estate development, public works and concessions, as well as innovation management in the construction sector. CONTEC GROUP – ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR COMPANIES The Contec Group supports organizations in the implementation of projects and the management of investments in the fields of engineering as well as construction and industrial design. It offers innovative and integrated solutions so that its partners can focus on their business. To continue, identify yourself as a human being by solving the CAPTCHA question below. It is clear that a figure with the structure and skills to manage the process, such as the GC, has great opportunities in the current market: customers ask above all for a guarantee, which can only be achieved in a new and complex situation like this with a high degree of organization and coordination. To name just one, it is questionable whether the general contractor can directly determine the contract for the implementation of the Security Coordination Service (CSE) as well as the Management Service (DL). National law provides that those figures shall be determined by the contracting entity or, in the case of the safety coordinator, by the manager of the establishment, where applicable. As for the designation of these two figures in the context of the work submitted to Superbonus, the legislation does not provide for any exception to the general rule, so that a first analysis is a task that must remain in the hands of the client.
The large COMPANIES have not hesitated: since the adoption of the first decree on this subject, efforts have been intensive to find means and resources to provide a high quality service to the customer. .